
Want to get Solar  with us? Let’s talk.

Contact Us

Residential Solar Installations

Efficient solar solutions for small-scale energy needs.
Perfect for individuals and families looking to save $.

We offer a full range of services, from the handling of pre-approvals, designs, installation & maintenance.

Contact Us

Commercial Solar Installations

Perfect for Businesses small-medium sized, who are looking to save $ on their energy expenses.

We meticulously handle each stage of the solar installation process, never leaving you out of the loop.

Battery Installations

Take control of your energy usage by not having to rely entirely on the Grid for all your energy needs.

Store your excess energy generated from your solar PV System and save more money!

Our Projects


Architectural Design

Construction Management

Renovation and Remodeling

Site Preparation

Concrete Work

Electrical and Plumbing


Architectural Design

Construction Management

Renovation and Remodeling

Site Preparation

Concrete Work

Electrical and Plumbing

Residential Solar

Financing Options

Commercial Installations

Solar and Battery

Site Inspections

Electrical and Plumbing



Architectural Design

Construction Management

Renovation and Remodeling

Site Preparation

Concrete Work

Electrical and Plumbing


Architectural Design

Construction Management

Renovation and Remodeling

Site Preparation

Concrete Work

Electrical and Plumbing

Our Process -

Harness the abundant and free energy from the sun to significantly reduce your monthly electricity expenses. Shield yourself from fluctuating energy prices and secure long-term savings with solar power.

Solar Discussion

Speak with one of our experts to become well informed.

Site Inspections

We conduct a site inspection within 48 hours of your approval.

Solar Installation

We install within 14 days after You recieving rebate approval.

Safety Compliance

An independent solar inspector is booked for regulatory compliance.

Who we are

Years of Experience


Solar Projects Completed


CEC Accredited Installers


"We have this handy fusion reactor in the sky called the Sun. You don't have todo anything, it just works. It show's up every day."

Elon Musk

"Every 24 hours, enough sunlight touches the Earth to provide energy for the entire planet for 24 years."

Martha Maeda


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March 6, 2023

Harnessing Solar Power: A Vital Solution to Tackle Australia's Escalating Electricity Expenses

Amidst Australia's escalating electricity costs, the adoption of solar power stands as a crucial solution.